You can't fix
what you don't know.
As a business leader, what you don’t know about your company is your biggest risk. Strategic Pathways Corporate Coaching Calgary offers what we like to call organizational diagnostics.
That means we get you the unfiltered truth about what is happening in your company every day, using our proprietary interview system.
Executive leaders do not get the full story. This is not your fault.
Your allies within your business want to help and support you. Your subordinates naturally want to please you. This leads to an edited version of events reaching your desk.
Without a clear picture of what is happening within your business, it’s impossible to make the best decisions for your business.
Strategic Pathways’ proprietary interview system gathers the intel you need to truly assess your organizational landscape, identify opportunities, and determine any changes necessary.
Engagement surveys aren't working. Leaders aren't asking the right people the right questions to get the real story about what is holding their organization back.
It's so frustrating to go through engagement and team building exercises without getting the results you want. Often the gap is in diagnosing what the real problems actually are.

Many leaders believe the team is committed to the same overall vision they are. It's devastating to learn team members are sitting on crucial information that could help everyone.
the "secret sauce"
It takes an immensely skilled coach to unlock what is really going on within an organization. Once that's done, it's about what we call "The Secret Sauce," and by that we mean creating the conditions that foster passion, enthusiasm and initiative.
Make your move.
If you’re ready to find out what is happening -really happening- in your business, we’re ready to help. With the unfiltered information we uncover, you can identify opportunities and implement the changes your organization needs to thrive.