Tell Me What You Think

Tell Me What You Think

Tell Me What You Think

You may have noticed a number of changes and improvements to my website,, over the past few months.

These changes have included transferring both of my weekly blogs to the website and, many of you have chosen to transfer your subscriptions to the new location.

The newest addition to the website is the inclusion of several short video clips, the first of which has been added today and is also available right here for you to review:

I would truly appreciate your taking a moment to watch the video and send me a quick note with your comments. The best email addresses to use is and your comments will go a long way in helping me create future videos for the site.

Also, I have decided to move my Saturday blog to Fridays and today serves as the first Friday on which this blog will appear. From now on you can look forward to receiving my Saturday blog each Friday.

I guess this means it is now my Friday blog.

I look forward to your comments on the video and to our continued time together.

Thank you.


Till we read again.

About the author

Pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus donec ultricies tortor adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur risus molestie curae malesuada. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim mattis magnis senectus montes mollis phasellus.

1 thought on “Tell Me What You Think”

  1. Good day…first let me say I believe I may recognize the client you were speaking with in the video.
    What I heard in the video is exactly what I have been working on in my life for a number of years. and I believe wholeheartedly in it…to look back and see how my life’s experiences molded me into the person I became and to work at changing that going forward. It is difficult yet necessary. Too often I have heard people say they do not wish to look at their past as it is too painful to open those sores yet in my judgement, change cannot and will not happen if we are not willing to do so…Thanks Rael…as Morrie says just before his death in “Tuesdays With Morrie.”…the teaching goes on…enjoy your day…verne


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