I have never considered myself to have any form of psychic ability and my track record in predicting the future is, at best, dismal.
They say, with practice, we will become better and perhaps my prediction skills have improved after years of unsatisfactory practice.
Last week I predicted that I would receive a high-volume of critical comments after posting my blog in which I wrote that I was too busy to take time to be sick and that I would combat and defeat pneumonia by maintaining a vigorous work schedule all the while focusing on being healthy, energized and strong.
And yes, I was depending on the drugs to do their job.
This morning my doctor pronounced me totally cured (at least, that’s what I heard) while also pointing out that my method was a clear sign of an absence of brightness. (That’s definitely what I heard).
Back to my prediction of last week.
I’m pleased to report I was correct. To date, between texts, emails and phone calls, 31 people pointed out, with great caring and concern, that I’m an idiot.
You Have My Sincere Thanks
To each of you who took the time to contact me and share your concerns, I want you to know that I am deeply appreciative. It is enormously gratifying to know that there are people who care about me and my well-being and again, my heartfelt thanks.
Around North America approximately 70,000 people die from pneumonia each year and I certainly do not take illness lightly.
I just don’t see the benefit of staying home feeling sick, when I spent a great deal of my time explaining to my clients how we are completely incapable of focusing on two or more things at the same time.
I chose to use my time to be fully engaged in, and focused on, completing the busy schedule I had arranged for last week. I did so because I know how I feel when I am really busy.
I far prefer the excited, focused, stimulated feeling that comes with being that busy to the focus of being sick and the feelings of low energy, sickness and discomfort that result from that (in)activity.
Whatever we are focusing on becomes our entire reality in that moment and I am convinced that expanding great energy on activities that give me huge psychological reward played an enormous role in the speediness with which I recovered.
And again, as mentioned above, the drugs contributed mightily.
Have you ever had an experience like this? You have a blinding headache. You know the kind – it has your full attention every second of every minute.
Then something happens. Perhaps an urgent phone call, an expected deadline that has been tightened, the fire alarm in your office building suddenly activating it is your job to make sure everybody moves outside as quickly as possible.
In other words, you are suddenly very busy, intensely focused on an important activity.
What happens to your headache? It seems to magically disappear.
What really happened is that by being so acutely focused on what you’re doing, you have no capacity left for any focus or awareness of your headache.
Choose Your Focus
All I did last week, was focus intensely on feeling healthy and performing well in everything I had to do.
Which as I learned, left no time for feeling sick or for being sick.
To those of you who cared enough to contact me, all I can say is try this yourself next time you feel under the weather.
The worst that can happen is that you will feel better, quicker.
Till we read again.