Affirmations: Tell Yourself What You Want to Hear
What do you say when you talk to yourself about yourself? No matter good or bad, all the things you tell yourself are actually affirmations.
Few of us will readily admit to talking to ourselves and yet, with upwards of 50,000 thoughts flowing through our brains each day, we can hardly deny that our internal dialogue seldom ends.
It accompanies us on each day’s travels. Many of these thoughts, random as they may seem, flow through our minds because they have been trained to do so.
Specifically, I am referring to the free flow of thoughts that center around us. We have all developed a story about who we are, how we are, what we are or are not, capable of, our strengths, our limitations, our likes and dislikes.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
These stories play a pivotal role in the choices we make because they instil emotions in us, and it is these emotions that guide us to choose what we will and won’t do and how intensely or passively, willingly or grudgingly we will go about performing our activities.
Many of our stories date back to childhood and, through years of repetition and practice have become deeply entrenched within us to the point that we believe the stories to represent facts about us and, thereby exert great influence over everything we do.
We use stories to affirm our beliefs and validate our opinions, frequently without a modicum of evidence to support their authenticity.
Therefore, to become the person we want to be, we need first to create the story we want to tell.
Affirmations Have To Be Purposeful
This begins by constructing affirmations which precisely outline who and what we intend to be.
Affirmations are the very foundation upon which our entire persona is built and many of us have spent decades repeating affirmations that serve no purpose other than to mold us very precisely into the very opposite of who we wish to be.
I intend to shortly publish my second book entitled “Everything you believe to be true is true … until it isn’t.”
The title of my book speaks directly to the mindboggling power affirmations yield in directing our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
It is said the best way to predict the future is to create it.
If you believe this to be true, then building affirmations that strengthen, energize and empower you is the surest way to create the future you want.
There is no magic to constructing affirmations. Affirmations are simply powerful short stories we repeat to ourselves until they become our new truth, then we deepen and strengthen them with each new retelling.
To be effective, affirmations must be uplifting, inspiring, reinforcing, and invigorating. All of that can often be accomplished with just a few words.Examples like, “I love myself unconditionally,” “I am supremely confident in myself and my abilities at all times” or “I am unstoppable” achieve the above stated goal and when congruently repeated consistently will guide you to pursue the actions necessary to achieve the life you want.
Our thoughts are guided by what we believe to be true and our actions serve to validate our beliefs. Affirmations serve to shape our beliefs thereby influencing our behaviour.
We’re practising affirmations throughout each day whether we intend to or not. By purposefully practising positive affirmations of our creation, very quickly develop new behaviour patterns that will point us towards the results we desire.
All it takes is a commitment to construct powerful, belief changing statements and to then repeat them to ourselves with as much passion and conviction as we can muster.
And then again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Let’s make a habit of meeting like this.